(help "If you copy this catalogs you can use FrontEnd in your language (only español at the moment).")
(source "catalogs/")
(choices "español")
(dest "LOCALE:catalogs/")
(prompt "Copy Fonts.")
(help "You have to copy this fonts if you want to use FrontEnd.")
(source "Fonts/")
(choices "XEN" "XEN.font")
(dest "FONTS:")
(set n
(prompt "Do you want to decompress the source code of the program?")
(help "If you choose Yes the Blitz Basic II source code will be decompressed in the destination directory. To decompress the code you need have Lzx in C:")
(if (= n 1)
(run "Lzx x -M -x BlitzSource.lzx ram:"
(help "Decompresing BlitzSource.lzx")
(prompt "Decompresing BlitzSource.lzx to RAM:")
(if (= n 1)
(prompt "Copying Source to "directorio)
(help "The Source is copied to "directorio)
(source "Ram:")
(dest directorio)
(choices "BlitzSource")
(if (= n 1)
(run "delete Ram:BlitzSource ALL"
(prompt "Deleting Ram:BlitzSource")
(help "lo")
(message "Instalation of FrontEnd V1.0 has finished, you can found FrontEnd in "directorio)